Tuesday, May 20, 2008


so this is my e.c. project.  It still feels unresolved but I had a lot of trial and errors and I know it needs more but I got so frustrated with it I gave up.  This was my attempt at doing a project using the wintergreen method and to incorporate plants into my graphic design, because this year I have been focusing on illustrating plants in my art.  I was successful at it in painting, photo, printmaking, and my independent study drawing course.... but not this class....  It will be a summer project I work on.  I don't know why this text is in blue and underlined and I don't know how to fix it.  

This is a repost of these images-  I adjusted the color and what not

Booklet Back and CD tray

Insert #3

Insert #2

back cover/front cover
I couldn't get it to post as a large or medium... sorry

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! I can't figure out why this looks like an off black!  It is suppose to look like a dark black like the others!